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EmpowerNL removes barriers for people with disabilities. Below is the list of our services we provide provincially.
Advocacy Services
Advocacy Services is available to support individuals, provide empowerment, navigate complex processes involved in various systems, and help individuals gain control in order to make informed decisions. Some of the areas that we support people with disabilities in are: income support/financial, housing, transportation, accessing health services, home support, and many other areas. Additionally, we support individuals while they learn and strengthen the skills needed for advocacy. In Advocacy Services we believe in a “nothing about us without us” approach and ensure that the voices of the individuals we work with are heard in every service they seek.
Career Services
Career Services at EmpowerNL are available to anyone with a disability. We believe in inclusion, consumer control and independent living. We will listen to you, meet you where you are, help you with your career goals, and remove barriers along the way. We offer both one-on-one services and group skill building opportunities designed with you and your career goals in mind. We will support you as you move towards your education, employment or entrepreneurial goals.
Community Inclusion Services
Offering programs and services province wide, Community Inclusion Services provides disability education and support to individuals and organizations at the community level.
Working with all community members (including individuals, other organizations and local government) to identify and overcome barriers to accessibility in all forms, Community Inclusion Services can help create solutions for barrier-free community environments and events. We can also provide professional development training, support and community development around building accessibility confidence.
Employer Support Services
InclusionNL provides supports, services, and resources to businesses and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador. This includes ensuring recruiting and hiring processes are inclusive, conducting location accessibility reviews and offering advice and resources to make websites accessible. InclusionNL provides customized professional development training to businesses and organizations to increase their disability confidence and workplace inclusion. InclusionNL also works with event organizers from the planning stages right through to providing supports on site during the event to ensure accessibility for patrons.
Member Services
This program offers information, support and resources to our membership around topics of interest to people with disabilities. Offers information sessions, workshops and connects individuals with other programs or activities of interest in the community at large. Working with other community agencies to ensure we provide an inclusive environment for all people to participate. Work with members around volunteer opportunities within our organization, or support them to connect to other agencies of interest.
Technology Services
We educate people in our province about Adaptive Technology (AT)! We do more then assistive technology, our program adapts assistive technology to every individual. We reduce barriers to technology around education and employment.
Have a question regarding adaptive technology equipment or services? We’re here to help! EmpowerNL is a resource center for all individuals of any age at home, school, work, or just in life. Get in touch with us today!

Alternate Formats
Providing alternative format materials allows all persons, access to the information they need. alternative formats, such as electronic (PDF & Word), PowerPoint Presentation, Braille, audio, and large print versions. We provide Alternate Formats for Business and Government, If you need a price quote today please contact us.

Digital Resources Room
EmpowerNL provides free access to computers with assistive technology. We provide training in technology, with devices (Computers, Tablets and Phones), operating system, hardware, software, internet navigation, internet security and email.